
7 Tips to Stay Consistent in God’s Word for Busy Moms (plus 5 free Bible reading plans)

As a mom, you’re being pulled into a million directions 100% of the time. It is HARD to find time for anything, but really hard to find time for the most important – time with the Lord. As a mom who works from home while juggling two toddlers I know the struggle all too well and have found these 7 tips incredibly helpful in helping me stay consistent in the Word. As a bonus at the end, I added some Bible reading plans to help guide you if you’re looking for some topical Bible study ideas.

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Tip #1 – Keep your Bible Handy

For me, it’s in the living room. I often find myself reading when the boys are watching a tv show in the morning. I have a routine where I get my husband’s breakfast, coffee, and lunch ready then sit and read my Bible and pray while the boys watch some morning TV. You may not be a fan of your kids watching TV, which I think is amazing!! I wish I had the patience to not need the distraction of TV to keep me sane and the boys occupied. If you are one of those awesome ones that don’t do TV, find some other activity in the mornings to keep your kids occupied. Depending on their age, it could be quiet reading time, coloring sheets, board games, playdoh, or crafts (that don’t need your help).

7 Tips for Staying in God's Word for Busy Moms

Whenever and wherever you decide would be the best place to do it, keep a Bible, journal, and pen there. Maybe there are a couple of rooms you’ll bounce between. Have a Bible, journal, and pen in each place. That way the resource is always there. It can also help serve as a reminder when you put it in a place you are often. Sometimes you may need to carry it around with you. Sometimes I’ll take my Bible into the kitchen while I’m getting the boys’ breakfast ready. It may not be the quietest or most ideal situation, but I am getting the Living Bread and Water so I can move forward in my day. Whatever it looks like for you, trust that ANY time you spend in God’s Word is not wasted. So even if you only get 5 minutes, it is the most worthwhile 5 minutes you’ll spend that day.

Another note – I love studying in a Study Bible. It has commentary and notes about connected verses you can look up that drives your study even deeper. My two favorite study Bibles I’ve ever had are the Quest Study Bible and Scofield Study Bible.

Tip #2 – Aim for a time but have flexibility

I like to do mine first thing in the morning (after getting the hubby off to work). I made a decision that I was going to have my quiet time before I did anything else (like get on my computer/phone/social media). Most days this happens, but (especially with kids) not every day will go as planned. Give yourself some GRACE on these days. It’s OK, if it didn’t get done right on time or by a certain schedule. Try to find time to fit it in as the day goes on. Like I said previously even 5 minutes is worth it. Maybe it’s giving up 5 minutes on Facebook while the kids nap or at school or maybe you don’t get to it until you’re about to go to sleep. It doesn’t really matter when you do it, it just matters that you are showing up and spending time with your Maker.

7 Tips for Staying in God's Word for Busy Moms

Tip #3 – Have accountability

This is one I’m not great about because I don’t like having accountability. Let’s be honest, how many people really love accountability?! I like to freedom to skip things and not feel guilty about it. I do say enter into this one cautiously if you are like me. The purpose of spending time with the Lord is for yours and His relationship to deepen and grow. For Him to continue to shape you to become more like Him. It is not something you should do because you feel like you “have to” or are “expected to”. If you aren’t doing it for the right reasons you probably will not get much out of it. But if you come willingly and humbly expecting to hear from the Lord, every second will be worth it.

I think if you are going to get accountability through a friend, mentor, or spouse, make sure to ask someone who will not make you feel bad if you miss a day or have a bad week. That’s not the purpose of it. It should be someone who is excited for you and what you’re learning. Someone who encourages you to get into the Word for the benefits it will provide you. Someone who will extend grace in the rough times and pray and encourage you in your current circumstances. If you are going to seek out accountability, keep these things in mind when selecting someone. It should be an encouraging source of community not a condemning source of legalism. Why does it work / why is it important? and how do you do it properly?

7 Tips for Staying in God's Word for Busy Moms

Tip #4 – Share with others when you get interrupted

We all know too often that when you have a family as soon as you sit down to do something, it will get interrupted. Instead of getting frustrated and losing it, try talking to your kids (or spouse) about what you are reading about. Share what God is teaching you. Then it will turn into a teaching experience for you, which help you understand on an even deeper level, and a learning experience for your kids (or spouse). We all could use more of God’s Word so it is a win-win.

7 Tips for Staying in God's Word for Busy Moms

Tip #5 – Journal

I love journaling. I wish I had more time to devote to it. Getting everything out on paper helps me to retain and grow even deeper in understanding. That’s one reason why I love to blog. Writing things out can bring healing, hope, restoration, understanding, and clarity. It can take those jumbled up thoughts in your head and make them finally make sense. When I journal during my quiet time, I like to write out the scripture I’m reading, any things that stand out to me, thoughts I have about the scripture, ways I think it could be applied to my every day, and prayers and praises. That is a lot! But it helps to keep it organized into blocks if you’re a more organized person. If you are more free-flowing then just start writing and you’d be amazed at what God says to you during that time!

Grab a beautiful journal like this Keepsake Journal for an even more in depth Bible study experience.

7 Tips for Staying in God's Word for Busy Moms

Tip #6 – Pray and meditate all day

This is one reason why I like to read in the morning. I find myself thinking back to what I read all day. This is great to keep your mind focused on the Word and how God is teaching you through it. Sometimes I only have 5 minutes to read in the morning, but by the end of the day I’ve thought on what I read most of the day and can have a significant deeper understanding. It’s really amazing to see how God can use a few minutes to help redirect your thoughts all day.

Sticky Notes!! Write down key verses or thoughts you had during your quiet time then place them around your house. At the kitchen sink, on the bathroom mirror, or a table you sit by a lot. This will keep you thinking of things, and is also great at helping you passively memorize Scripture! I had a Bible verse in the center console of my car for years, and I still have that Scripture memorized even though I’ve had a new car for 6 years now. If you’re into all things cute, here’s some of my favorite sticky notes.

7 Tips for Staying in God's Word for Busy Moms

Prayer is another important aspect to spending time in the Word. It’s when you can directly talk to the Lord about everything going on. I find I have the best days when I am constantly praying throughout the day. I never do it perfectly, but if I can take the time to stop and pray instead of responding out of frustrating to the kids, I am a much nicer mommy. It also helps if I continually pray about what I read that morning, asking God to reveal what it means and how I can apply it to my life. Learning how to talk to God as you go through your day will bring you more intimacy with Him which results in more peace, patience, compassion, and love.

Tip #7 – Follow a Plan

Lately I have been enjoying reading through books of the Bible. I started in Matthew and read 1-2 full chapters a day. Then depending on the day, I can either meditate and journal in the moment or I have to meditate on it as the day goes on. Some people love this approach. You can do it with any part of the Bible. I will be honest that I have tried many “reading through the Bible” plans, and it’s just not for me. I get lost in the Old Testament and end up giving up. I think if you can follow one of those plans straight through you are amazing!! I prefer to have smaller bite size pieces so I don’t feel so overwhelmed. So I usually just stick with a book at a time.

I am also a huge fan of devotionals! But I think when you’re having quiet time the bulk of learning will come directly from God’s Word. So if I have a devotional that only has a verse or two in it, I will take it a step further and read the whole chapter that verse is in. Some of my favorite devotionals are 31 Days of Praise, and 100 Days of Joy and Strength (who doesn’t love Candance Cameron Bure?!). If you’re looking for a new devotional and not sure what you’d like, read the reviews! Use Amazon, Lifeway, or Dayspring to look at what others say about it. I always like to read the best and the worst reviews and prayerfully decide from that.

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